
Conflict of Color Alpha is the alpha version of the full in-development desktop game named Conflict of Color.

Grab arms as available, take cover and shoot your way through hordes of reds.

It is recommended to use Ghoulish Spyware Backdoor Rootkit people tend to call "Chrome" for browser play.

Windows Standalone version included that is considerably better.

Gameplay Features:

- Cover System: Take cover automatically upon contact with obstacles using this crazy new unique feature that undeniably was never done before in any kind of third person shooter.

- AI: "The enemy of my enemy in front of said enemy is not my enemy, but i have to shoot anyway since i wasn't programmed properly by this dumbass developer [involuntarily commits fratricide]" - RedSubMachineDynamic(Clone)

- Procedural Generation: State-of-the-art Level Generation Algorithm (random.range three assets shuffled)

- Weapon Drop System: "If shooting reds is sure to result in acquiring property then you must shoot!!" founding fathers said that, and i'd say they know a little more about shooting reds than you do pal, because they facilitated it.

- Physically Simulated Bullets: Raycasts are for cringe meta slave reddit beta babies who care too much about unimportant things like "hit consistency" and "polished gunplay"

Gameplay Mechanics:


1. Aiming: Aiming works by placing a point in world space to the position of the cursor, to which the character aims. This means that in some scenarios it is better not to aim directly at the enemy, but behind the enemy, with adjustments to the aim, to hit the intended target

2. Bullet Penetration: Some weapons can penetrate multiple enemies

3. Spread: The assault rifle and pistol have an increasingly larger spread the longer you shoot without pausing. Sub-machine gun has an unchanging high spread by default

4. Locational Damage: Headshots are mostly lethal, body shots deal normal damage, while limb shots have damage significantly reduced

Weapon and Ammo Management

1. Weapon Limit of Two: Press G to drop currently held weapon, to free up a slot for other weapons

2. Weapon Pickup: Weapons are automatically picked up if a slot is available

3. Ammo Management: Ammo is found in weapons of the same type lying around. If a weapon is present in your slots, it is not required to have that weapon active to collect ammo from weapon pickups. Upon collecting ammo, it will be added to the Reserve Ammo counter

4. Ammo Amount in Pickups: The ammo collected from weapon pickups depends on the Magazine Ammo of the enemy that dropped the weapon on death. This means maximum ammo can be collected when an enemy has just finished reloading

5. Bonus Ammo: Single shot weapons get bonus base Reserve Ammo, regardless of how much ammo was in the enemy's magazine upon death. It is still possible to collect one bonus ammo if the enemy had one in the weapon

Cover System

1. Full-Size cover: The one the character stands in. There's two points on each corner in this type of cover, that the character almost instantly snaps to, depending on input

2. Half-Size Cover: The one the character crouches in. The character can freely move between corners, and vaults over the obstacle if exit action happened in the middle of it

3. Peeking: While in cover, it is possible to peek the angles of the cover object by aiming

4. Cover Animations: Different weapons have different in-cover animations, and some animations have better coverage than others

Enemy AI

1. Healthpack seeking: Upon getting low on health, enemies will try to seek out healthpacks and use them

2. Cover Taking: Under certain conditions, enemies will attempt to go behind cover

3. Sight Mechanics: If enemies don't have good sight of the player, they will not shoot

4. Different Behavior for Each Weapon: Behavior of the enemies changes, based on the weapon they spawned with

Health and Bullets

1. Health: Small medkits restore 25% health, medium medkits restore 50% health

2. Bullets: Bullets do not discriminate on who shot the weapon, so it is possible to damage yourself by shooting in certain angles

3. Bullet Damage: Bullet damage is modified based on how fast the bullet is going

4. Bullet Penetration: After penetrating, bullet speed is affected, thus it will deal less damage to the next target


1. What are the controls?

In the main menu, press "Controls" button, and panel describing all controls will appear.

2. How do i improve performance? 

Use Chrome, reduce render scale and disable shadows in the settings.

3. Where are the social links?

Social links for YouTube, TikTok and Discord are in the main menu as their appropriate icons. They might be empty for a while, and the Discord server at the moment is read-only, due to lack of moderation resources, but more content and information will be added as time passes.

4. Where are the Linux and Mac builds?

I might add them a bit later, but currently they are not there, due to the fact that i lack both the Mac and Linux devices to test the game before uploading.

5. Standalone System Requirements?

Should be able to run smoothly on anything newer than 2013 with 4 Gigabytes RAM and integrated graphics (Render scale tweaking might be required)

Important Information:

  • Alpha Version Notice: Conflict of Color Alpha is not the final game, but an alpha version of the full experience coming to Steam.
  • Windows vs. Browser Version: The standalone Windows version included offers significant improvements over the browser version, including:
    • Uncompressed assets
    • Much better performance
    • Enhanced visual features (SSAO, color grading, post-processing, bloom)
    • Enhanced ragdoll physics
    • Customizable fullscreen ratio options
  • Download

    Conflict-of-Color-Alpha-Windows-Standalone3.2.25.zip 61 MB

    Install instructions

    1. Download the archive

    2. Extract "Conflict-of-Color-Alpha-Windows-Standalone3.2.25"

    3. Launch "Conflict of Color Alpha.exe"

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